I don't doubt you, sir. |
The future is dominated by a large black woman who runs a global brand that brainwashes the youth into being a cookiecutter/uber commercial society. The "Killer Queen" is like, a cross between, Oprah and the bad guy from the Little Mermaid. Scary shit.
The hero appears in the form of a loner teen who dresses like James Dean. He bumps into a goth chic who similarly shuns the establishment, and they take off together. They stumble into a lost society of people, the "Bohemians" who live at the Heartbreak Hotel and believe that The One will return, find the world's last guitar, and return the people to "the Rhapsody." Their leader is a jacked martial artist named Britney Spears, and his girlfriend is a really hot chic named Meatloaf. You see where its going.
The Queen finds everyone and brainwashes them, but the One escapes, finds the guitar, bangs the chic, sings We Will Rock You, and Oprah's head explodes. Then they play a pretty bad ass live version of Bohemian Rhapsody that everyone who's drunk sings at the top of their lungs, in an awesome way. I had a buzz so I went home and bought 25 Queen songs, 22 of which I'll never listen to again.
Random highlight. Have you ever gone to a show/game or movie and your experience is made 100 times better by the behavior of someone not in your party? When it happens, its great. In 1989, I saw What About Bob and the obese gentleman in front of us was laughing so hard he was weezing. His kids at first were terrified that he was dying, and then were embarrassed...and left. I'm sure he's dead by now, but his memory lives on every time I see that movie. It'll never be funnier than it was that night.
We had a guy sitting in front of us who refused to sit next to the people he came with (either son and daughter or son and wife). He sat by himself and played with his phone. The ushers would come down to ask him to turn it off, and then as soon as they turned around he'd flip it back on, and they'd come flying back down the aisle to tell him to stop.
At half time he stood and claimed his seat was broken and they spent 10 minutes trying to fix it while he played with his phone. And then he spent the entire second act pretending to shoot himself in the head with his finger. I spent the second act trying to flick popcorn kernels at him to see if I could further agitate him. Not sure if I succeeded.
The show was great, but any time I think of it, I'll always wonder what was going on with that dude.